Understanding the Threat

Last Friday, my dear friend, Marty and I attended a meeting on “Understanding the Threat.”  It was very revealing.  I highly recommend this to anyone who has an opportunity to get these gentlemen out to your area.

Muslims Targeting U.S. Churches


St. Peter & Paul Chapel in Cairo Bombed by Muslims in November 2016 killing 25 Christians

In the shadow of the savage killing of a priest by muslims during Mass in Normandy, France (July 2016) and the bombing of St. Peter and St. Paul chapel – a part of St. Mark’s Coptic church in Cairo, Egypt – four weeks ago, UTT has received reports in the last several weeks from law enforcement, pastors, and citizens revealing muslims are conducting pre-operation surveillance inside U.S. churches during services.

The information received by UTT from different states indicates the manner of the surveillance is similar in each case.

Two muslim males will come into a church during the service and sit together in the back of the church.  They will often take pictures and record video.  When approached by concerned ushers they will either tell their questioners they are “interested” in becoming Christians or they will run.

This information has been passed to appropriate law enforcement officials, and UTT is aware of a joint investigation between local police and the FBI in at least one of the cases.

Relatedly, in February 2016, an FBI criminal complaint for Khalil Abu-Rayyan was filed in Eastern District of Michigan alleging he was a muslim who wanted to wage jihad in the U.S., and specifically quoted Abu-Rayyan as confessing his plan to kill Christians at a large church.

The affidavit for the complaint states Abu-Rayyan told an FBI Undercover (UC) “I don’t know the name of it (church), but it’s close to my job.  It’s one of the biggest ones in Detroit…a lot of people go there.  Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church.”

Abu-Rayyan told an undercover FBI employee attacking a church would be “easy…(If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.”


Graffiti on a Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas reads “Islam or Die” (OCT 2016)

American pastors need to be aware their churches are significant targets.  See other related articles here and here.

UTT offers this important guidance for pastors of churches of all denominations:

  1. Understand the real threat the U.S. Islamic Movement poses and educate your flock.
  2. Stop conducting “interfaith outreach” with Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas organizations like ISNA, ICNA, CAIR, MAS and others.  They are part of the enemy’s program.
  3. Encourage parishioners who are properly trained to carry firearms to do so, and make sure it is known publicly.  Consider posting a sign in front of the church saying something like “The disciples carried weapons and Jesus was okay with it, so we are too.”  This would be a tremendous deterrent.
  4. Put together a team of active or former law enforcement officers, military, or other trained individuals from the church, and build a security team.  UTT offers training for security teams and can help as needed.
  5. Train the members of your church on how to respond to someone in the church who may be conducting pre-operation surveillance and what to do if an attack happens, so they can be prepared not scared.

In all of this, UTT stands ready to help.  Reach out to us at http://www.UnderstandingtheThreat.com.

If you have details of similar events at your church, please send them to info@understandingthethreat.com.  Please provide contact information.

Armies of Mohammad, CAIR, Christian Persecution, Civilization Jihad, Designated Terrorist, Homegrown Jihad, Information Warfare, Interfaith Outreach, International Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Islam-USA, Islamic Jurisprudence,Islamic Law, ISNA, jihad, John Guandolo, Law Enforcement, mohammad, Mosque, mosques, Muslim Attacks, Muslim Brotherhood, NAIT, Penetration Operations, Permissible Lying, Radical Islam, Raising a Jihadi Generation, sharia,Subversion, Terrorism, The Church and Islam, US Muslim Brotherhood, US Palestine Committee, USA v Holy Land Foundation, UTT , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Diversity and Prayer — East Texas


On Jan. 29, the City of Longview Unity and Diversity Committee held its 11th annual Unity Awards Luncheon. The event allegedly opened with a Muslim prayer and closed with a Christian prayer.

Pastor Glynn Stone, with Mobberly Baptist, penned this letter in regard to the City of Longview’s Unity Awards Luncheon:  GLYNN STONE LETTER

Vik Verma, Organizing for Action – East Texas now Organizing for America – East Texas, and a chairman on the Unity and Diversity Committee, penned this response to Pastor Glynn:  VERMA LETTER

On February 8, Gary Frazier spoke to Mobberly Baptist on what the bible says about ISIS, Islam and Israel. (Islam is not a religion of peace.) Frazier’s words are powerful. And, most importantly, he introduces Sophia. Please take a few minutes to listen to Sophia’s story. Sophia begins at 3:14.

LA Gulen Charter Schools and Houston-based Harmony Public Schools

HOLTON: Maybe Now They’ll Pay Attention To The Gulen Schools

Posted by: Christopher Holton on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday afternoon the story broke in Baton Rouge media that the Kenilworth Science & Technology School had been raided by the FBI.

The FBI indicated that the raid, which evidently was conducted to gather material evidence in the form of documents and computers, was not a matter of public safety. As a result, it probably was not related to a report earlier this year that a teacher at the school was accused of having inappropriate pictures of children on his cell phone.

Had those charges stuck, that would have been the second scandal of a sexual nature involving a Gulenist school in Louisiana. Abramson Science & Technology Charter School in New Orleans was shut down back in 2011 in the wake of a scandal that started as an investigation into sexual activity involving students at the school and evolved into a possible public bribery investigation. Abramson operated under the same charter organization that Kenilworth operates under: Pelican Educational Foundation.

During the course of the investigation into Abramson, Pelican’s ties to the Gulenist movement were revealed.

By now you’re wondering what the Gulenist movement is, no doubt. The Gulenist movement is a secretive, controversial Islamist movement founded by Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish Islamic scholar with a controversial history and a great many followers and admirers in both the Islamic and Western worlds. However, a close analysis of Gulen and his movement reveals what may very well be a disturbing threat, rather than the benign movement that many suppose. (Gulen fled Turkey for the US in 1998 and settled in a massive, fortified compound in rural Pennsylvania.)

Gulen preaches peace on the one hand – while on the other hand, credible reports indicate that the Gulenists control the secret police and judicial bureaucracy in Turkey, both of which have been key to brutally suppressing recent pro-democracy protests there. But Gulen’s primary relevance to Americans comes from something quite peculiar – namely, the fact that his movement is associated with roughly 1,200 schools in numerous countries around the globe, including approximately 135 schools here in the USA. The American Gulenist schools are mostly taxpayer-subsidized charter schools and there is much to be concerned about, both in terms of their goals and operations. And Americans – and in particular those Americans charged with credentialing these schools – know scant little about with whom they’re dealing.

In reviewing the long-form literature on Fethullah Gulen, without exception, every single book about Gulen paints him in a positive, almost saint-like light. In order to fully grasp the man and his motivations, one has to read his own work – the most troubling and revealing of which is his 1998 book Prophet Muhammad as Commander.

While much of the book details the life of Muhammad as a military commander and political leader, the opening sections of the book reveal more about the author than they reveal about Muhammad, about whom much is already known and documented. The first 37 pages of Prophet Muhammad as Commander contain revealing, troubling passages that provide a window on Fethullah Gulen’s views on Jihad and warfare.

In Prophet Muhammad as Commander, Gulen explains Muslim hostility toward non-Muslims in a similar manner that most non-Muslims will find at least very curious:

“For this reason, a Muslim’s enmity towards unbelievers is, in fact, in the form of pitying them.”

Gulen ties this pity in with the concept of “compassion.” Unbelievers who deny that Allah is the only god and that Muhammad was his prophet are thought to be committing an “injustice.” Out of “compassion” for those unbelievers and to prevent them from committing further injustice, Muslims have enmity towards them and in some cases fight them as enemies.

Jihad as a concept fits in with justice. In fact, according to Gulen (page 20), Jihad is integral to justice:

“God does not approve wrongdoing and disorder. He wills that human beings should live in peace and, accordingly, that justice should prevail amongst them.It is therefore incumbent upon those who believe in One God and worship Him faithfully to secure justice in the world. Islam calls this responsibility jihad.”

Gulen then goes on to explain the various forms of jihad, including warfare. Again, on page 20, Gulen states the purpose of Jihad:

“…to establish the supremacy of His religion and to make His Word prevail.”

In the same section, Gulen then clearly articulates the aim of establishing a worldwide caliphate:

“Besides the holy struggle, the principle of amr bi ‘l-ma’ruf wa nahy an al-munkar (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil) seeks to convey the Message of Islam to all human beings in the world and to establish a model Islamic community on a world-wide basis.”

Most ominously, Gulen makes a call in the book that reads an awful lot like a call for the Islamic world to acquire nuclear weaponry:

“…believers should also equip themselves with the most sophisticated weaponry. Force has an important place in obtaining the desired result, so believers cannot be indifferent to it. Rather they must be much more advanced in science and technology than unbelievers so that they should not allow unbelievers to use ‘force’ for their selfish benefit. According to Islam, ‘right is might’; so, in order to prevent might from being right in the hands of unbelievers and oppressors, believers must be mightier than others.” “An Islamic state…should be able to secure peace and justice in the world and no power should have the courage to make corruption in any part of the earth. This will be possible when Muslims equip themselves with a strong belief and righteousness in all their affairs, and also with scientific knowledge and the most sophisticated technology.”

What does all this have to do with a charter school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana? Well, Gulen’s most significant foreign enterprise is his network of charter schools. As such, it is important for people to be aware of the philosophy of the man who started the movement.

See more at: http://thehayride.com/2013/12/holton-maybe-now-theyll-pay-attention-to-the-gulen-schools/#sthash.g8vXBCgN.dpuf

Charter school’s Houston ties under scrutiny

Houston Chronicle | December 17, 2013
Repercussions from legal troubles at a Louisiana charter school have reached Texas because of the school’s business ties with Houston-based Harmony Public Schools, the state’s largest charter operator.
In the wake of an FBI raid at a Baton Rouge charter school last week, Senate Education Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, announced on Monday his committee would hold a fact-finding hearing to explore the relationship between Harmony, the Louisiana school and a related foundation, the Austin-American Statesman reported.
Harmony Superintendent Soner Tarim said the charter operator contracted with the Louisiana charter school, the Kenilworth School, to provide business services, such as a professional development program and a student information system.